In Alien Force, Negative Goop looked exactly like Ben's Goop.

His Anti-Gravity Projector has been redesigned and the Omnitrix symbol is on the top of it. In Omniverse, Goop has a nose-like beak and an amoeba-like shape. In Heroes United, the black outlines around Goop's eyes were thicker. In Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Goop wore the original Omnitrix/ Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. Goop has bright green eyes and an Anti-Gravity Projector that allows him to be mobile in Earth's gravity and also projects his voice. 6.3 Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hexīeing a 200-pound single-celled organism that is neither liquid nor solid but a colloidal suspension, Goop is a humanoid pile of goo that can take any shape at will.6.2.1 Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable Versions.