Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks Ghost Freak
Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks Ghost Freak

Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks Ghost Freak

In Alien Force, Negative Goop looked exactly like Ben's Goop.

Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks Ghost Freak Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks Ghost Freak

His Anti-Gravity Projector has been redesigned and the Omnitrix symbol is on the top of it. In Omniverse, Goop has a nose-like beak and an amoeba-like shape. In Heroes United, the black outlines around Goop's eyes were thicker. In Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Goop wore the original Omnitrix/ Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. Goop has bright green eyes and an Anti-Gravity Projector that allows him to be mobile in Earth's gravity and also projects his voice. 6.3 Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hexīeing a 200-pound single-celled organism that is neither liquid nor solid but a colloidal suspension, Goop is a humanoid pile of goo that can take any shape at will.6.2.1 Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable Versions.

Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks Ghost Freak